Create a Website That Converts

Grow Your Business Online with Our Expert website development company in India

We design and develop user-friendly, performance-optimized websites that drive results. Business from e-commerce stores to custom web applications, we help businesses of any size achieve their goals online.

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About Our Web Development Services

A well-designed and functional website is no longer considered a luxury in today’s digital age; it’s an absolute necessity. Here at Clicks Savvy, we are a leading website development company in India, specializing in developing not only professional-looking websites but also results measurable for your website. We understand business—how starkly different business can be from an established enterprise to the tiniest budding start-up—and this difference very well is understood by us. From the conceptual development and design of your website to its development and launch, a dedicated team of experienced web developers in India works very closely with you at all stages to ensure the final product perfectly aligns with your business goal and target audience.


Our Complete Website Development Services

Here is how we can help you build that solid online presence:

Stop at nothing on a single platform! We have several different E-commerce website development solutions specifically customized to your needs and budget. This would include setting up your e-commerce / Shopify business, design, and development through integrated secure payment gateways and product catalog management to ensure your customers have a seamless online shopping experience with a focus on maximizing sales and conversions. We build with the future in mind. Your e-commerce / Shopify platform will be equipped to handle increasing traffic and product offerings, allowing your business to flourish without limitations.

There’s a reason WordPress comes out on top of the pile when it comes to content management systems. We know how important getting a website you can control is. We go further than just development – we spend our time creating user-friendly interfaces that enable you to easily add and update your content with no extensive technical knowledge. On top of this, We will make your website very user-friendly, intuitive, and easily navigable with confidence, your guests will have one seamless experience because we know how important user experience is.

Do you need a talented development team to guide you through a project or simply maintain it over the long haul? Whether you require a dedicated team for a complex build or a flexible solution for ongoing maintenance, we offer hourly billing for website design and development services. This ensures you get the best experience and expertise at the time and level your project demands. Hire a website developer who fits your specific needs – we scale our services to perfectly match your project’s requirements.

Our team implements best practices and cutting-edge technology to safeguard your website and user data. Turning to a multitude of different programming languages, starting with the three core languages—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—to all the cutting-edge frameworks like React and Angular 13, Node.js, we will build an intuitive and interactive website that keeps all visitors connected and coming back for more. We know that businesses grow, so scalability is paramount in every project we do. Your website will rely on a secure and robust foundation that can handle increasing traffic or growing needs.


Our Web Design Process

We believe in transparency and effective communication – here is how we develop, design, and collaborate with you.

Initial Consultation

The process begins with an in-depth consultation, where we explore your business goals, target group, and the website functionalities you expect on your site.

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Planning & Strategy

Our team goes as far as researching competitors and delving into user experience to draw a complete website development strategy.

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Design & Development

We have a fabulous design team. They do a great job of making very user-centric website designs. And then, for your vision to come alive with the most advanced technologies.

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Testing & Quality Assurance

We run hardcore testing on all browsers and devices, ensuring the user experience is flawless.

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Launch & Ongoing Support

We set up your website and support it to ensure that it is maintained, secured, and running efficiently.



Why Choose our website designing services

There are numerous website development companies in India, so why pick us?

Our Expertise                      


The history of our team includes proven successful work, consistently surpassing client expectations, and accomplishments recognized by the industry.

Focus on Business Goals


We build websites aimed at taking your business further, be it to increase sales, generate more leads, or simply promote brand awareness.

Scalable and Secure Solutions


When building your website, we make use of the latest technologies and best practices in a manner that considers the output to be not just functioning but also secure and scalable.

Dedicated Project Management

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We assign a dedicated project manager for every project to ensure that communications are clear and everything is in order.

Boost Your Online Presence Today!

Ready to unlock the potential of your presence on the internet? We’re here to do just that. Contact us for a free consultation, and talk about how our website design and development services can move your business forward.

Optimizing Your Website for Search Engines (SEO)

Although beautifully designed with a user in mind, stakeholders need the site to be discoverable by your target audience. Search Engine Optimization plays a giant role in enticing organic traffic to your website. Here’s how we ensure your website ranks high in search engine results pages (SERPs):

Theme Structure and Coding

We will structure your website, much like a well-structured book. It makes it easier for search engines to understand the relationship between one and another page and to navigate across your site. Creating descriptive and relevant URLs for every page that target the correct keywords and aptly reflect what is on a page. Along with these, link relevant pages of your website using descriptive anchor text, which includes appropriate keywords. And at last, optimize your website code for speed by compressing HTTP requests, optimizing the size of an image, and leveraging caching mechanisms.

Efficient CMS

We want you to ditch the code and focus on creating! An effective CMS organizes content management in a user-friendly way. No technical knowledge is required. We will build a CMS focused on high-speed websites and security for your peace of mind and visitors. Auto-updates in minutes and give off a smooth experience—secure and reliable—that is what an effective CMS does.

Mobile-First Design

With the ever-increasing number of mobile users, a responsive website design is no longer optional. We create websites that adapt seamlessly to all mobile devices, desktops, tablets, and smartphones, ensuring a positive user experience on all platforms. This is crucial, as Google prioritizes mobile-friendly pages in search results for indexing over desktop pages.

Technical SEO Optimization

Our developers are committed to ensuring your website complies with the best technical SEO practices regarding fast loading, a clean website UI design, and clean code on the website, including the proper structure of the sitemap, all to help search engines navigate your site with ease.

Web Design and Website Maintenance | Ongoing Support

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A website requires constant maintenance and updating to stay in good working order, secure, and performing at its best. Some of our full-service website maintenance plans include:

  • Security Updates

    Regular updating of website plugins and themes and the core CMS platform closes security gaps that would otherwise lead to various threats.

  • Performance Optimization

    We keep an eye on your website's performance, continuously checking it for optimization of loading time and smooth user experience.

  • Content Updates

    As your business grows and refines, your site content must reflect those changes. We can help you keep your site fresh and up to date.

  • Backup & Disaster Recovery

    We have scheduled regular backups for your website so that in case of any unforeseen circumstances, you have a recovery plan.

  • 24/7 Support

    We offer ongoing technical support to help you with any problems or questions you may have.

We combine exceptional website development services with a data-driven SEO strategy, integrate social media, and ensure operational maintenance to empower your business toward long-term success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Reach out to us today to schedule a free consultation concerning your website development requirements, and we will assist you in creating a compelling online presence that brings, keeps, and turns your visitors into loyal customers.

Ready to Impress & Boost Conversions? Get Started with Website Design Services.

A boring, old website not in line with your brand’s vision? Let’s talk about website design and development services. Get a free consultation to discuss how we might work together in creating a new website that is not only beautiful but also performs well in the process. We will focus on user experience to ensure that visitors become leads and eventually customers.


See What Our Clients Say about Our Website Development Company

But don’t just take it from us. See how our digital marketing strategies have done for businesses just like yours in getting accurate results. Hence, here are real stories from satisfied clients who have increased their brand awareness, improved traffic to their websites remarkably, and grow based on our strategy.

Ready to Attract More Leads, Boost Conversions, and Skyrocket Sales?

Feeling ready to unlock the power of content marketing solutions and take your brand to the next level? Get with Click Savvy today for your free consultation. Let’s talk about your unique goals and challenges, and develop a custom content marketing strategy with measurable results.

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